Focused format-specific messaging with the right communication on the right platform can yield rich sustainability dividends for organisations
Sustainability is now a key business imperative, and its effective communication has emerged as an integral element for its efficacy. Even as organisations are redefining their Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) strategies to align with the larger sustainable development goals, it is equally important to precisely capture and communicate the sustainability journey. Simultaneous with their sustainability roadmap, forward-thinking organisations are charting the communication strategy to convey the sustainability initiatives, goals and results to a diverse range of stakeholders. In fact, communication is being strategically embedded as a key component of the sustainability journey.
A dedicated sustainability communication strategy ensures effective engagement of all stakeholders as well as conveys the organisation’s commitment to a sustainable future. Be it the mandatory annual Business Responsibility Report or the voluntary sustainability initiatives, effective sharing of the best practices can catalyse the sustainability outcomes as well as set the benchmark for replication. A well-documented and well-presented sustainability communique can yield rich dividends for the organisation across the spectrum – from external stakeholders like Government, industry bodies and media, to internal stakeholders like employees and business associates.
At the core of an effective sustainability communication strategy is the maxim of ‘right communication on the right platform’. This entails customising the content as well as design specific to the media platform and the target audience. However, to make ESG narratives more broadbased and appealing, it is necessary to add A (audio-visual content) and I (interactive content).
A sustained multi-platform, multi-format communication strategy yields assured returns in terms of awareness, implementation and impact. Effective communication of sustainability initiatives not only builds credibility and trust among all stakeholders, but also enhances the organisation’s reputation as an active contributor to the society and the nation.
With investors also laying increasing stress on social responsibility and ESG, focused communication around sustainability and governance builds confidence around the company’s ability to mitigate risks and pursue sustainable growth for a bright future. The key to successful sustainability communication is to leverage the various platforms and formats to deliver a personalised message that resonates with the audience and connects them to the organisation’s sustainability journey. It is worthwhile for ESG communicators to invest in more visual, audio-visual, and interactive forms of content. This requires expertise in ESG as well as content creation, and an agency with experience in ESG communications can be a valuable partner.
To get in touch for our services or any other communication requirement, please contact + 91 842 581 4016 / 17 or simply drop an email at